J3 Consultants Hong Kong

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The Real Hong Kong

Discover the Real Hong Kong with Jamie

The Real Hong Kong

Hong Kong Culture | A personal view

The magnificent Hong Kong Island view from Kowloon

Like most people I hate writing blog posts, there never seems to be enough time in the day to set aside time to write something interesting in the hope that a few people might read it and it may improve my SEO by a smidgen…. I have written hundreds of blog posts and the more I do the less interested I become and then I get a spark of creativity and I start again!!

This is my first post under the J3 Consultants Hong Kong banner, I am still running a blog on my J3 Private Tours site, I have been doing posts there since 2013.

This is my 50th year in Hong Kong and for the first time ever I wished I didn’t live here but I will never leave Hong Kong, I just love the place too much but like many Hong Kong residents I am sick and tired of Covid 19, it has destroyed my Private Tour Business and in 2021 the Hong Kong Government has pursued a zero Covid infection policy which is simply impossible but pursue it they do and in a nutshell it means that because of a 21 day quarantine imposed on most visitors International Tourism is basically zero.

Hong Kong is a place that in normal times attracts 50 - 60 million visitors a year so you can imagine that for 21 months we have basically had no tourists and it has been devastating and now the Government is doubling down on the zero Covid infection policy.

I think what annoys me the most is the apathy of 2 million Hong Kong residents who have so far refused to get vaccinated and the Government has wasted so many opportunities to increase the vaccination rate, for the unjabbed we have so few infections and almost no outbreaks that people simply say “why bother” and we are still subject to restrictions with masks mandatory by law to be worn at all times (unless you are eating or drinking) and tough social distancing measure - honestly this is no way to live,

I have already had my booster jab (on November 12th 2021) so I feel safe and secure but at my stage in life I simply cannot afford to lose 2 years of income so I am back to doing Consultancy work as I cannot do Tours.

I have not been idle, I have done a lot of reading and working on my Hong Kong images, I have quite a following and for some reason my bus images have proven to be very popular of late

Enough from me for the time being, hopefully my next post will be more interesting.

LWB Bus at Tung Chung on Lantau Island, November 2021

.. and no this is not me doing my Consultant thing!!! it is a fake image someone created!